Welcome to Kastel's Notebooks, an account dedicated to chronicling my journeys through video games and visual novels.
Every once in a while, I like to pick a silly, arbitrary goal where I complete a series of games and visual novels -- often this means going through the catalog of a creator or company. I like to call these "journeys" because I'm going on an odyssey through a pretty long list of things to go through.
I've been doing this privately for a while because I don't tend to have a backlog, and there will be days when I don't have any titles to look forward to. It's a good way to protect myself from the horrors of ennui.
But every time I go on these trips, I feel like I should have recorded my thoughts as I played through these works. I've decided that maybe it's time for me to write down my thoughts about the works I play, so that people can learn more about these works and I can practice my own writing skills. And it's also just fun to see my thoughts on a series/author/work evolve and mature into something more meaningful than garbled nonsense.
I hope you're as excited as I am about filling Cohost with multiple semi-active accounts with long prose about niche media!